Social listening blog assignment

I selected the designer brand balenciaga most people love this brand but also hate it due to some clothes they release that is very odd. I was interested in this brand because I think some of there adds and products are very out of the ordinary  their value proposition is high quality items and innovative clothing. A few good things people are saying are the quality of the items are very good  very loved by people with high status or a lot of money very nice brand of clothes but there’s also some items that are released that people don’t have very good reviews on, like shoes that look like they have been worn at a construction site. 

For outrageous prices and other things like instagram posts of dirty chairs and no context. To  really know why or what. Also  balenciaga sold chip bags for a very expensive price regardless of all that they  have very nice items like the Balenciaga speed 2.0 witch gained popularity back in 2020 this shoe resembles a sock but is indeed a very stylish shoe loved by many.

Balenciaga gained its popularity by its very high fashion and quality products but the brand skyrocketed after having such a odd way of marketing such as random  posts on social media that have no context or just random.In  2022 the brand promoted a very controversial product on instagram and from there Balenciaga lost popularity this product was a teddy bear in very inappropriate sexual clothing. This outraged fans because they had children promoting the product and many famous singers that where costumers made videos on tiktok and instagram of them burning and throwing away clothing from this brand 

How did they respond to costumers ?

After all the drama regarding this product Balenciaga did not respond to costumers instead they deleted the pictures on instagram and proceeded on not selling the product anymore 

If I where the brand manager I would continue with marketing odd products like expensive chip bags wierd shoes as this made the brand more talked about and more popular one thing I would change is I would never sell the product that got them to lose popularity as it is very wrong and inappropriate 

From this assignment I learned that marketing dosent always have to be what people want but how popular and how wanted your brand is in this case people loved Balenciaga and since it was designer you would be seen as high status if you had it in this case it didn’t matter what they released a lot of people would still buy their wierd products just because it was Balenciaga and the release of these products got them more popular because of the controversy 




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